Terms of Use

LAST UPDATE:  03.07.2023



1.1   These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “GTC”) govern the relationship between the “Service Provider” who is represented by the following 2 business entities:

A) RNDr. Peter Matu  (hereinafter referred to as “Service Provider”) with Tax Reg. No. (as a freelance occupation): 1049621793, registered in Slovakia (EU) at Velka Ida 141, 04455 (in accordance with the section 6, subsection 2, letter b) of the Income Tax Act 595/2003 Coll. as later amended of The Slovak Republic.).

B) Similimum s.r.o  (hereinafter referred to as “Service Provider”) with Business Reg. No. (ICO): 54016355, registered at the City Court Kosice  (Section: Sro, Insert No.:  52275/V) with registered address Velka Ida 141, 04455, Slovakia (in accordance with the Business Register of The Slovak Republic), whose sole founder, owner and executive/managing director is RNDr. Peter Matu.

AND the entity booking/purchasing any of the services defined in Article 2. of these GTC or accessing and using this website (hereinafter referred to as “Client“), except where the Service Provider and Client concluded a separate agreement for services under which the applicability of these GTC is excluded.

1.2   Access to this website and any use thereof, is sub­ject to the GTC set forth herein.  By access­ing, read­ing or oth­er­wise using this website and ordering and purchasing services from the Service Provider you hereby agree to these GTC.

1.3   The business relations, obligations and rights of the Service Provider and the Client arising out of a concluded agreement or order/booking confirmation are governed by the provisions of the Commercial Code (Act No. 519/1991 Coll.), as amended, and other generally binding legal regulations of the Slovak Republic.

Article 2. – SERVICES 

The Service Provider provides online consultations and courses related to healthy lifestyle and wellbeing and some other services listed in the Trade Register of the Slovak Republic under the Business Reg. No. (ICO): 54016355 or in accordance with the section 6, subsection 2, letter b) of the Income Tax Act 595/2003 Coll. as later amended of The Slovak Republic.


The Client can order a service from the Service Provider through the booking system on this website or social platforms or by requesting a service/booking through the “Contact details” section of this website. By proceeding with the booking the Client concludes a contract with the Service Provider and acknowledges and agrees with the GTC set forth herein.


4.1   PRICING – The prices for the offered services are always clearly listed on the booking system and on this website (tab Appointment Fees) in EURO which is the main accounting currency of the Service Provider.

4.2   PAYMENTS – The Client will be requested to pay for the order/booked services through one of the payment gateways (e.g. Trisbee, Fresha, Stripe etc.) or via direct bank transfer. After a booking has been made or order placed, the Client will receive an email with a payment link to confirm the payment or pay for the scheduled appointment. Neither the Service Provider, nor this website collect any credit/debit card details from the Client and all card details are securely stored only at the third party payment gateway’s servers. For online video consultations only online/electronic payments can be accepted.


5.1   No cancellation or rescheduling is permitted by the client within 48 hours of the scheduled appointment and the following (reschedule/cancellation) fee may apply should the client cancel the appointment within 48 hours of the scheduled time: 30% of the booked service fee to cancel/reschedule within 48 hours, 50% of the booked service fee in case of a missed appointment (‘no show’ fee). Cancellation or rescheduling more than 48 hours before the scheduled appointment time is entirely free of charge.

5.2   If the cancellation by the Client occurs more than 48 hours before the agreed appointment time and he/she has already paid online for the appointment and has for whatever reason no intention to reschedule it, then the Client is eligible for a full refund.

5.3   If the booked service is cancelled by the Service Provider then a reschedule for the next available date will be offered to the client. Should the Client and the Service Provider not reach an agreement on the new appointment date and time and had the Client already paid online for the consultation, then full refund applies.

5.4   The money taken against the held/completed consultation/class (already provided service) is 100% non-reimbursable/non-refundable.

5.5   Any eligible refunds will be paid back to the Client within 15 working days.


6.1   The Service Provider reserves the right, at his discretion, to make changes to any part of the this website.

6.2   From time to time the Service Provider may wish to change these Terms & Conditions in order to improve the offered services and the Client agrees to be bound by the GTC which apply at the time of your use of this website.

6.3   The Service Provider will post any changes on the website and when doing so he will change the updated date at the top of this page. If the Client is not happy with any changes made then he/she may wish to cease using the offered services and this website.


7.1   OBLIGATIONS OF THE SERVICE PROVIDER – The Service Provider’s obligation is to deliver the booked and paid for service in a timely and professional manner and provide a secure and confidential environment for the consultation.

7.2   OBLIGATIONS OF THE CLIENT – The Client is requested to pay on time for the booked services, to download the required software for the video call (if applicable) and to ensure that he/she is well prepared for the consultation with regards of the technical side (sufficient internet speed, video/audio devices etc.).


8..1 The consultations and services offered by the Service Provide and the content on this website are not intended in any way to be a replacement for, or as a substitute, to qualified medical advice and should not be construed as a prescription, a promise of benefits, claims of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved. The information contained herein or a provided consultation are not intended to replace a relationship with a doctor or qualified health care professional.

8.2. The Client should not stop any medications that have been prescribed to him/her except under the supervision of a licensed medical doctor. It is important that the Client continues to see a licensed physician for his/her current condition or any condition that may arise. No one is advised to discontinue or to avoid medical or psychological consultations. The Client should never disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from his/her health-care professional because of something the Client may have read on this site or because of using alternative medicine. The use of any information provided on this site, the use of natural/homeopathic medicine and attendance of the Service Provider’s online consultations is solely at the Client’s own risk.

8.3 It is important to note that  the consultations offered by the Service Provider are intended to enhance the Client’s general well-being and health and not to treat a specific disease. The Service Provider does not not make any claims for the effectiveness of any remedy for a condition.

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